Mon to Thursday & Saturday 3:30PM to 5:30PM
Friday - Closed


History records that first of all a society in the name and style of Anjuman-e-Biraderan-e-Allahabad came into existence under the able guidence of Justice Mubarak Hussain being the president and Master Ahmed Hussain, General Secretary in the year 1935.

As far as the activities of the Anjuman are concerned any reasonable records are not available. After the lapse of few years came the year 1947 and Pakistan came into being. After the creation of Pakistan a very large population of our baradari migrated to Pakistan and the majority settled down in Karachi. Thus the city of Karachi became the center of the Baradari people. Early days after the creation of Pakistan were very hard days. Every individual was struggling to settle down himself and his kith and kin. A very dense population cropped in the name of Liaquatabad (Lalukhet) where majority of our baradari people built their houses and started dwelling. The locality of Liaquatabad emerged as very homogenous and conducive place to live in.

Probably it was the year 1959 when some sensible seniors and enthusiastic youngs came forward to lay the foundation of society of Allahabadis. Mr. Muhammad Rafique alias Nanhey Bhai agreed with open heart to establish the office of the society in his house. The motto and the aim of the society was to help our brothers who are in dire need, whatever and whenever and possible. After some time the society was registered and got a legal status.

With the passage of time and for certain reasons the activities of the society dwindled and came to a very low ebb. Seeing and feeling this scenario and the fact, some brains came together to establish a new active, pragmatic and optimistic welfare organisation, named Allahabad Welfare and Social Organisation to give it a different look. This happened in the year 1985. Thus, now there were two welfare organistations of Allahabad Baradari dividing the people in two groups. The new group was having a bigger mandate with fresh zeal and fervour. They took the work of organisation further to a positive direction. In the heart of heart there was a feeling among the elders and think-tank of the Bawradari that two parallel organisation cannot serve the people in the right way. There must a concensus and merger of the two organisations.

The Proceedings regarding the merger of the two organisations continued from both sides with sincere and concerted efforts from time to time. The last meeting which was held at the residence of Mr. Muhammad Saleem bore fruit and a concensus reached for merger and formulation of one organisation in the name and style of Brotheran-e-Allahabad Welfare Society. The historical day was the 10th of October 2004. the day of birth of an organisation lined-up with so many stalwarts, enthusiastic youngs and pragmatic personalities to show new dimensions to welfare activities.